As a privileged partner of MADEAconcept, our two structures have expressed the wish to initiate joint actions for the democratization of towed nautical sports in France.
As a privileged partner of MADEAconcept, our two structures have expressed the wish to initiate joint actions for the democratization of towed nautical sports in France.
By participating in the functioning of structures such as the Scientipôle Initiative and the Centre Francilien de l'Innovation, the IDF region has given us the means to implement our innovations and launch the company
Roberto Viani
Tel : 0039 347 0564856
Mail : viamimpianti@libero.it
Because it is important to be well supported from the beginning of a project, we have always been partners with Dassault Systèmes for CAD software. In an approach of sharing innovation, we collaborate with Dassault Systèmes by carrying out life cycle analyses on our products.
From the beginning of the project, MADEAconcept wanted to work with experts in the field of pumps, the central element of our simulators. We have forged a specific partnership with SULZER, which has been able to respond to our needs by adapting to all our technical developments.
Handikite Champion and a leading player in the field of democratisation of sliding sports for people with reduced mobility, we thank him for his support and advice for the HANDIgliss option!
Nautical skier with one of the most outstanding records in French sport (12 world champion titles, 34 times European champion and 25 world records to his credit...) and a major player in the field of democratisation of sliding sports, we thank him for his advice for practicing on a simulator.
French champion of cable wake-boarding and member of the French team, Titouan trains on our simulators and thus benefits from a training support nearby all year round!
Let's work together to develop tomorrow's projects !
Are you a committed player in sliding sports, technological innovation, water leisure equipment? Do you think we could have a common interest in sharing our know-how and experience?
Do you want to support us on our next events, promote your brand to sliding amateurs and professionals? MADEAconcept offers several options for sponsors.
More generally, you have a project, an idea, you need a partner or want to support us?